Saturday, May 30, 2009

day two of classes

this is a beautiful seed pod i found while hiking.  they were everywhere.

today was our second day of classes.  right now i have margarethe von trotta, a very famous german new wave director who is teaching "the political as personal".  so far, we have watched three of her films "The Promise", "The Other Woman", and "Marianne and Juliette".  "Marianne and Juliette" won the golden lion in venice and bergman wrote that it was one of his favorite films.  all are inspired by her life in germany as a child of WWII and what is was like to live in the shadow of the war.  personally, she is a lovely person and i have been able to spend one on one time with her discussing her films and art.  its pretty great!  see her on imbd:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Karen and I watched Rosenstrasse. It was in my dreams and in my thoughts when I woke. We both liked it a lot. Wish I could ask the director some questions.